Join the lab!
I have recently started a new lab at the University of Bristol, focusing on how cooperation and conflict evolve, and especially how ecological and climatic factors affect the trajectories taken by selection. Our research involves field-based behavioural experiments in field sites in Africa and elsewhere, population genetics, and theoretical modelling. One of my lab's core study systems are the beautiful wasps of the genus Belonogaster, which stretch across much of sub-Saharan Africa.
I am currently looking to recruit enthusiastic and highly-motivated Masters by Research or PhD students to start during 2024.
If you are fascinated by social evolution, and are interested in using either field-based manipulations or theoretical models to explore cooperation and conflict, the lab may be a good fit for you. I am keen to be contacted by students who have identified sources of funding that they are eligible for, or self-funded students, and to support applications for competitive studentships. As funded positions become available, they will be advertised here.
If you are a potential postdoc interested in applying for fellowships (such as Marie Curie), feel free to get in touch to discuss ideas.

About you
PhD and MRes projects can be tailored to suit the student’s interest in theory or fieldwork. For field-based projects, you should find appealing the prospect of conducting behavioural experiments on (stinging) insects in Africa, and solving the (sometimes surprising!) practical challenges of working in the field. For theory-based projects, you should be enthusiastic about using mathematical or computational methods. In the first instance, do get in contact to discuss potential topics and suitability.
Field assistants Romuald Tcheutchoua (now doing a PhD at UCL) and Sarielle Kapmegne in Cameroon

Contact: patrick.kennedy@bristol.ac.uk

Many congratulations to Ayla Webb for securing a Bristol-Macquarie Cotutelle PhD Scholarship! Ayla will be starting in September 2024, working on social evolution in the wonderful wasps of Australia.
Many congratulations to Teun de Jong for securing a University of Bristol PhD Scholarship for Collaboration with the University of Cape Town! Teun will be starting in September 2024, working on social evolution in beautiful Belonogaster wasps across Africa.
Romuald Tcheutchoua (working on the use of Belonogaster wasps in food security) has successfully passed his PhD upgrade at UCL
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